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W&M future

Work skills & Personal Brand 

Families / W&M future

The W&P, (Work skills & Personal Brand) is a unique and disruptive program in the world that allows young people between 15 to 17 years old and 18 to 21 years old, to manage work skills and build a differential personal brand for the future.


In a two-week program, young people will work on Work skills and Personal Branding using a technification methodology based on the resolution of challenges, which will be proposed by multinationals and directed by managers.


Every morning, students will work in groups to solve the daily challenge:

  1. From 09:00 to 10:00: Webinar by a director of a multinational.

  2. From 10:15 to 12: 00- Solution of the challenge led by a specialist

  3. From 12:30 to 13:00 - Presentation of the solution


Two program modalities:

 1- Face-to-face at school:

A specialist will lead the challenge in person at school

 2- On-line

A specialist will lead the challenge in a virtual way from the virtual classroom


In both modalities, students through the ZQtech platform will access the webinars, the content of the challenges and the presentation of the solutions.


Students will obtain a diploma in work skills and personal brand accredited by all the leaders of each challenge.

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